Why Are We Here

Welcome to our new blog site.

The whole point of our blog is to give the few of you who are interested the ability to see what we are doing and how we are experiencing the world, and, perhaps, to derive a bit of pleasure out of that.  As I like to say, life is too short, no matter how long it might be, not to be doing things that are meaningful and enjoyable.

So, whether it is wandering through gardens close to home . . .

Setting off on a solo transPacific crossing . . .

Or climbing an almost sheer face in the Cascades . . .

You just have to get on with it.  Join us as we do just that.


3 Responses to Why Are We Here

  1. What a great blog! I absolutely love wild life and exploring all those different cultures and places around the world. While quickly browsing through your blog I also discovered you went to to the Netherlands! Since it’s almost 2 am here at the moment I do not have the time to read it all now, but I’m excited to read what you thought of my homeland.Thank you for sharing your stories and I’m looking forward to future ones. Have a nice day 🙂

  2. Hey There! I think your blog is pretty neat. I have nominated you for the Leibster Award. Go to my blog and check out the details. http://lovinlifeonadirtroad.wordpress.com/2013/04/24/spring-on-a-dirt-road-and-other-stuff/

  3. Doug Vanderbilt says:


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